Meet Devanshi Sanghvi, an 8-year-old Indian girl who has renounced her material life to become a Jain nun in Surat, India. Devanshi, the daughter of a diamond merchant, walked 700km with monks before taking her vow. Her ceremony was performed by Jain monk Acharya Vijay Kirtiyashsuri and witnessed by hundreds of people.
A grand procession was organized with elephants, horses, and camels in Surat and Belgium to celebrate her monk life. But what led Devanshi to take such a step at a young age? And what is Jainism that Devanshi has chosen to follow from now on?
Who is Devanshi?
Devanshi grew up with a strong inclination toward spirituality and religion. Her parents couldn't ignore her persistent questioning about the meaning of life and the pursuit of happiness. They were surprised when she expressed her desire to become a nun at 6. However, they supported her by taking her on pilgrimages and letting her interact with spiritual leaders of different religions.
Eventually, she found her calling in Jainism, an ancient Indian religion emphasizing non-violence, compassion, and love for all living beings.
Meaning behind it all
Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world, dating back to at least the 8th century BCE. It has a rich philosophical and spiritual tradition, which revolves around the concept of ahimsa or non-violence. Jains believe that all living beings have a soul and that every soul can attain enlightenment.
They follow a strict path of voluntary simplicity, asceticism, and meditation to purify their soul and live a life of compassion and non-violence. They also promote environment conservation and sustainability as part of their belief in the interdependence of all living beings.
Lessons learned
Devanshi's decision to become a nun and embrace Jainism demonstrates her commitment to these principles. Her renunciation of material life shows her willingness to give up worldly pleasures to pursue a higher purpose. She has chosen to live a simple life, wearing white clothes, eating limited food, and spending most of her day meditating and praying. She will be living in a Jain ashram under the guidance of Jain monks and nuns, continuing her spiritual journey toward enlightenment.
Devanshi's story is inspiring because she is so young and shows that anyone can choose to live a life of compassion and non-violence. We don't have to become monks or nuns like her, but we can all learn from her example and cultivate these qualities daily. We can treat all living beings with respect and understanding, reduce our carbon footprint, and consume mindfully. We can also meditate and reflect on our inner selves, finding peace and enlightenment.
Final verdict
Devanshi Sanghvi's journey to becoming a Jain nun is a testament to the power of spirituality and commitment. She has shown that age is not a limit to pursuing one's dreams and seeking inner peace. Her story also sheds light on the ancient Indian religion of Jainism, which promotes non-violence, compassion, and love for nature.
Devanshi's decision to renounce material life and embrace asceticism is bold. Still, it is an inspiring example of one's ability to rise above worldly desires and find inner peace. We can all learn from her and follow the path of non-violence in our daily lives.